“7 Mountains” stands for the most influential spheres of society or domains, that shape the way we perceive, decide and consequently live our lives.
These seven mountains are:
- arts/entertainment/ sports
- business/economy
- education
- family
- government
- media
- religion
As Christians we believe that all authority comes from God, and that He wants in partnership with His people to usher in His Kingdom, culminating in the return of Jesus Christ the Son of God. God has given specific principles in His word, the Bible, that are relevant for every aspect of life and when applied properly will bring the greatest blessings in society for believers and non-believers alike..
The Great Commission according to Mark 28: 19 starts with: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations….”.
We know how to disciple individuals, but the commandment is about whole nations.
YWAM has therefore started the University of the Nations with seven faculties to train Christians professionally in these domains to bring transformation in every aspect of society.
YWAM Slovakia has started several groups in the nation in which businessmen, politicians, educators, etc. come together to learn what the Biblical principles are for their domain and to strategize how to best implement these in their area of responsibility.